Are You Over Scheduled and Over Committed?

Do Your Achievements Sometimes Feel Empty or Hollow?

High Powered Living Is...


Reclaiming your energy! Letting go of old patterns & re-writing your new story.


Awakening and answering what is really calling & experiencing deep fulfillment.


Being a powerful conscious creator & attracting what you most want in life.

High Powered Living Is...


Reclaiming your energy! Letting go of old patterns & re-writing your new story.


Awakening and answering what is really calling & experiencing deep fulfillment.


Being a powerful conscious creator & attracting what you most want in life.

High Powered Living is learning how to burn bright without burning out!

“There comes a point in our lives, where we must unlearn who we think we are to become who we really are.”

– Janine Brolly

Letter from Janine

Are You Over Scheduled and Over Committed?
Are you holding back and feel like there's more?

Hello, my name is Janine Brolly and you are not alone. The plague of modern society is the overwhelming world that has us in a constant state of DOING. Too many people are living their lives stuck in the state of being busy, running behind, and trying to catch up.

Then there’s that little voice that says ‘is this all there is’?

Yes, you might be kicking ass with a successful career, house, car… but at what cost?

You are so accustomed to this fast-paced, all action, no rest lifestyle that you’ve become oblivious to the fact that you have zapped your own energy and crushed your capacity for the simple, long-lasting, joys of life.

In short, all this DOing has stopped you from BEing…. being present and reconnecting to that incredible, high powered YOU that you are meant to be.

Imagine feeling vibrant, connected and alive every moment of the day, confident in the knowledge that you are fully living life ON YOUR TERMS. #nopermissionneeded

More importantly, imagine knowing that you are guided through life, supported, and able to have greater impact with less effort. A profound (and less exhausting) way to live!

Introducing High Powered Living. An experiential, life-changing three-month group program that helps women take ownership of who they really are… fully and unapologetically.

It's about living your life on purpose, fully and completely!

When you stop holding back and SHOW UP more for YOU, you will discover your most powerful resource (Hint: it’s already inside you!), access your limitless energy and finally come to KNOW and ACT on what you are called to do, be and create in the world!


Janine Brolly

Decide. Commit.
Then get out of your own way!


Janine Brolly

Decide. Commit.
Then get out of your own way!

“What surprises me most is “Man”, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he doesn’t enjoy the present; The result being he doesn’t live in the present or the future; He lives as if he’s never going to die, and then he dies having never really lived.”

– Dalai Lama

Introducing the High Powered Living Program

It’s the High Power Living Program

How to burn bright without burning out!
The program includes:

The program does not ADD work to your life, it’s about integrating the lessons into your life and living from a new place so you can live with increased guidance, flow and ease. Greater impact with less effort.

  • Weekly High Powered Living 90-minute group Zoom calls to explore & awaken to an elevated way of living
  • Deep Dive ‘High Powered Labs’ during Zoom calls to strengthen & integrate learnings for sustainable transformation
  • Exclusive Facebook group community for you & your High Powered Peers. Share your wins, growth opportunities & receive accountability & support when you need it most
  • Full access to the live recordings so that you can deepen your learnings & insights
  • BONUS 90-minute 4-Month Power Check-Up group Zoom call to keep you on your High Powered Living path
  • BONUS One themed gift delivered to your home each month to enhance your radical self-care practice

This program is available as a custom, private option. Please email Janine to apply.

High Powered Living transforms women from ‘just living’ to living their highest calling.

Here’s some of the results past participants have had:
  • Left their job to pursue their life’s work, now fulfilled and successfully living it!
  • Found their ‘dream partner’ and now in the most meaningful connected relationship they’ve ever had!
  • Attracted new money so that they could stay living in their house after their relationship ended.
  • Finally took the brakes off their life and embraced their life’s calling to start a new business.
  • Developed simple, effective rituals that dramatically improved their relationships, health, career and finances.

“After working with Janine, as part of a Women’s Inner Circle, my world completely changed! I went from feeling like I was in ‘kindergarten’ in self-awareness to graduating with a Master’s Degree! Janine explains concepts and ideas from her heart, with so much wisdom and in a way that it sinks in so the truths become part of who you are. She makes it easy and so worth the effort of putting in the work.

If you ever get invited to one of Janine’s event or have the opportunity to work with her...JUMP! Honestly, you will be changed for the better!”


The world has been waiting for you to show up and own your #bullseyelife!


Program Details

Coming Soon

Online via
(dates adjusted for holidays)

Sign up bonus!

Be one of the first (8) women to register and save $500 off.
PLUS get a 90-minute group bonus call and one themed gift delivered to your home each month to enhance your radical self-care practice


Sign Up For the Watilist

Be the first to get notified of the next upcoming High Powered Living Program.


Program Details

Aug 12 – Oct 28, 2020

Virtual calls ( via ) take place every Wednesday from 12:00pm-1:15pm Pacific Time
(dates adjusted for holidays)

Early bird sign up bonus!

Be one of the first (8) women to register and save $500 off.
PLUS get a group bonus call a 30 minute individual call

  • Bonus #01

    90-minute 4-Month Power Check-Up group call to keep you on your High Powered Living path

  • Bonus #02

    One themed gift delivered to your home each month to enhance your radical self-care practice

Yes, I’m ready for High Powered Living!
This program is available as a custom, private option. Please email Janine to apply.

About the Course Creator and Facilitator of High Powered Living


Janine Brolly (BPE, AT, RPT) works with modern successful women worldwide who feel burnt-out, unfulfilled and that ‘something’ is missing – in spite of their success.

Through her own personal journey and working with thousands of women for decades, Janine believes it’s an epidemic how so many successful women are ‘just living’, trudging through the days and the endless lists of responsibilities and never feeling truly fulfilled. They hold back from living richer lives they know they are meant for.

Janine has built a seven-figure business around helping women awaken their burning desire in business or personal life so they can create the wealthiest life possible and live their highest calling. She is known for her intuitive ability to see and unveil blind spots in others.

She is a bestselling Co-Author, International Speaker, Facilitator, Founder of High Powered Living and The Inspire Women’s Business Network.

As the Dalai Lama says, With great risk, comes GREAT reward

I look forward to co-creating with you!